Retro stuff always gives a reason to symbolize the present day goodieswith it. Having seen ample amount of cameras since we began here, therehave only been a few that have really struck us for their intricatedesign and shape. Jaeger LeCoultre Compass is one such cluster ofscience delivered into a small space. Designed by Noel Pemberton as aclock and completed in machined aluminum body, this compact 35 mmcamera was one of the most advanced gadgets in 1930. The Compass wasofficially launched in March of 1937; with not more than 4,000 unitsproduced, the Compass bears a retail price around $1800/$2200 presently.
"对,所以它是超超级的,有指南针,35 mm相机,表,尺,还有一大堆各种刀具。"
这相机是不是数码的?如果当年有数码相机,那数码是必须的,可惜1937年Noel Pemberton为Jaeger LeCoultre设计这款超超级Gadget霸王时,还没什么东西是数码的。