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Australian Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd announced his resignation during the visi








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10 小时
发表于 2012-2-22 23:28:35 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 | 来自浙江
australian media recently revealed that the tension between the australian prime minister zhu liya girard with foreign minister rudd, and lead to the ruling labour party is fighting constantly. 22 afternoon, rudd suddenly announced his resignation in the united states during the visit.
in the afternoon, visiting the united states, rudd suddenly in washington, held a news conference to announce his resignation. he said,lost wax casting, to resign because he has lost the support of prime minister gillard. rudd said the senior labour party who recently open verbal attacks against his integrity and suitability to continue to serve as government ministers from office, however, girard has yet to make any response, can be regarded as her support for these remarks. he said: he also said that he will be interrupted as the foreign minister's visit activities back to his hometown of queensland, brisbane, the capital,bodies house, at 23, and with family and constituency representatives to discuss his future political direction.

although rudd's decision to resign, it is extremely surprising, but gillard and kevin rudd, the power struggle rumors recently in the australian media clamor. 22 issue of the australian newspaper sydney morning herald reported that between gillard and kevin rudd, fire and ice, not to solve this problem, the labour government will not be able to continue to successfully govern. analysts pointed out that girard now has the support of the main characters of the labour party, if kevin rudd really want to challenge girard's leadership position in the final, the winner, is no difficult to predict. as prime minister gillard, can not only lift rudd's foreign minister positions, you can also cut off by a party vote rudd challenges the idea. therefore, in general, girard in this power struggle in the australian labor party, be in a certain advantage.
in fact, the long feud between kevin rudd and gillard. kevin rudd since the end of 2007,water check valve, section 26 of the australian federal government prime minister. 2010, rudd to step down because of the mining industry super-profits tax, while his successor, that is, had been pledged to support his deputy gillard. the two resulting grudges.
not long ago, the well-known survey of the australian broadcasting corporation program speeches. programs by broadcast and immediately caused a big stir. 18, some labor party members of congress publicly, resignation requirements girard.

while girard rise up to fight, its supporters immediately released a video of kevin rudd as prime minister during the burst foul language on the video site, girard men heavyweight ministers have come out recently stated publicly announced their support for prime minister gillard, also called on labour to stop the infighting and concentrate against queensland gubernatorial elections will be held on march 24.
rudd 22 resignation, resignation, he will return to queensland to help the incumbent governor, labour party candidate anna bray campaign. anna bray heard kevin rudd to resign, australian politics has entered an interesting period.
kevin rudd to resign will be australia's political arena what kind of impact, who took over as foreign minister of australia, remains to be seen.
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