MediaInfo用来分析视频和音频文件的编码和内容信息。顾名思义就是检测视频编码信息,把目前几个主流的 CODEC viewer的功能都给包进来了.像是对新格式的支持, 提供相关 CODECs和播放软件的网页连结等等。支持众多视频和音频文件格式;多种查看方式:文本,表格,树形图,网页;自定义查看方式;信息导出:文本,CSV,HTML;与Windows资源管理器整合:拖放,右键菜单;国际化:有多种界面语言供选择。
+ Changing version schema, only 3 numbers (next versions will 0.7.9, 0.7.10...)
+ Catalan, Russian, Korean, Galician languages updated
+ Better Linux integration
+ rpm stuff (thanks to oc2pus http://packman.links2linux.org)
+ deb stuff
+ #2259421, FLAC and OGG: Encoding library name and version
+ FLV: version 10 support
+ FLV: duration of files without metatags
+ MPEG-4: Delay (useful when multiple videos are present)
+ Dirac: profiles updated from the latest specification
+ MPEG-4: more precise detection of OGG based codecs
+ MKV: better newest codecs handling
+ MKV: RealVideo/Audio support improvements
+ mipsel CPU support
x #2406410: Removing the MediaInfo icon for uninstall
x MPEG-PS: Trying to have a better precision for duration
x WMV: crash with some malformed files
x MPEG-TS: some channel names where not shown
x MPEG Video (version 2): some streams were misdetected as CBR
访问:MediaInfo V0.7.8.0官方下载页面